
Acetylsalicylic Acid



Makalenin Türkçesi için tıklayınız: Asetilsalisilik Asit



“Everything is poison, what matters is the dosage.”

Paracelcus, astrologer, botanist and the founder of toxicology and one of the founders of modern medicine



First synthesis Sunrise Map (SP) of acetylsalicylic acid (raw material of aspirin).


The Sun is at the Leo (vitae, health) sign and the lord of the 6th (disease) Scorpio which is at the 4th house is in a square with Saturn (4th corner house). For thousands of years, it’s been a material used against diseases (6th house). Saturn is also the map ruler (It’s also the representative of Pars Hyleg point).


Lord of the 12th house, Moon (healing) is at the Capricorn sign and at the house of diseases (6th house), just like its ruler (Capricorn). Its dispositor Saturn is at the Scorpio sign and at the 4th house (this material is also used to strengthen tree and plant roots). According to the Athla circle, the panacea is the Moon Capricorn.

This material is drawn from the willow tree for thousands of years. Willow tree = Moon + Saturn. In classical astrology, all trees are represented by Saturn and willow is tree that grows in marshy freshwater (Moon) areas.

İLGİLİ YAZI:  The Signs of Star & Moles

The conjunction of Saturn’s dispositor and the 8-9 lords at Virgo (pharmacology) expresses the first artificial synthesis of the material in a lab by humans (Mercury-Virgo). And this stelium creates a great earth triangle with healing (12), Athla panacea lord Moon Capricorn and also with MC. The Northern Moon Node (experiencing the new. For more information, see : Moon Nodes) of  german chemist Felix Hoffmann who synthesized the material for the first time falls just on top of this stelium.

While the Sun-Saturn square brings health, it also carries some risks. The Sun and Saturn are two celestial bodies that are enemies  (which could harm each other) in classical astrology. Liveliness and metabolism rate is represented by the Sun. Saturn is more about slowness and a long life (durabilitatis). The damage done by the Sun against Saturn is a high liveliness and a consequence of this, a short life (Creatures with a low rate of metabolism live longer). The damage done by Saturn against the Sun is the decrease of liveliness, the rate of metabolism and the quality of life. Saturn’s square with the Sun: Preventive against heart attacks (Leo-Sun) and lowers fever (Sun). But because of its excessive use, hundreds of people die each year: The stelium with Jupiter, the representative of excess is in a sextile with Saturn which is at the 4th house that is related to death. Sextile is the angle of free will.

İLGİLİ YAZI:  The Signs of Star & Moles

Saturn’s conjunction with Uranus, a collective celestial body, expresses the spread of the medicine and it being the first in its field (at least the synthesis).

Venus is at the Cancer sign and opposed by its own dispositor, the lord of healing (12th house), the Moon. The Moon’s attack on the Cancer Venus also expresses the healing effect of the material against some types of cancer (Cancer) and its deadliness for cats (Venus) because of some enzyme deficiency. This material is also considered dangerous for the stomach (Cancer).

When we look at the map carefully, we see that the shining moon phase in this map is actually close to the Moon Nodes. So, this is a lunar eclipse map. Two days after the synthesis, a lunar eclipse occured at the Aquarius sign. This eclipse is in a square from both sides with Saturn (t-square). This eclipse is as responsible as Uranus for the spread of this medicine.


Devrim Dölen

13 May 2015 (Turkish version)


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Devrim Dölen

3 Mart 1977 İstanbul doğumludur. Amerika’da ve Türkiye’de faliyet gösteren çeşitli astroloji ve istatistik gruplarıyla birlikte, profesyonelliğe adım atmadan 24 yılını astroloji araştırmalarına verdi. 1999 yılından itibaren bunların bazılarını hakemli dergilerde (Bilim Tarihi), bazılarını da internet aracılığıyla paylaştı.İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi bünyesinde Türkiye’de ilk defa YÖK onaylı astroloji eğitmenliği yapmıştır. 2001 yılında ücretsiz astroloji kursu veren Türkiye’deki ilk Türkçe topluluklardan Astroloji ve Astro-Gunluk gruplarının da moderatörlerindendi. 2011 yılında ise Zodyak Astroloji Yayınevini ve bugün bir çok astrolog yetiştirmiş olan Astroloji Akademisi’ni, 2015 yılında ise astrolojimarket.com sitesini kurmuştur ve aynı yıl Astroloji Derneği'nin kurulmasına öncülük etmiştir. 2016 yılında ise Zodyak Astroloji Dergisi'ni çıkartmaya başlamıştır. Integritas tekniğinin yaratıcısıdır.Karate'de siyah kemer sahibidir. Astrolojik tablolar, tasarımlar ve diorama yapmayı, doğayı, ekoköyleri, dalmayı, aramayı, yanılmayı ve tekrar aramayı yaşam tarzı haline getirmiştir…Şimdiye kadar çıkmış olan yayınları:Astroloji Eğitimi 2Astroloji Eğitimi 1Arap Noktaları & Astrolojide Gösterge Denklemleri2022 Gökyüzü Takvimi2021 Gökyüzü Takvimi2020 Gökyüzü Takvimi2019 Gökyüzü Takvimi2018 Gökyüzü TakvimiZodyak Astroloji DergisiUranian Astroloji & KozmobiyolojiAsteroid Sözlüğü (Program)Bitkiler: Astroloji & MitolojiTemel Seviye 1: Gezegenler & ElementlerTemel Seviye 2: BurçlarTemel Seviye 3: EvlerTemel Seviye 4: Açılar2015 Gökyüzü Takvimi

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