
Birth of Foot Fetishism & Astronomy Mythology




Türkçesini okumak için lütfen tıklayın: Ayak Fetişizminin Doğuşu & Astronomi Mitolojisi


Once upon a time, there was 12 signs. Then, the god of derisiveness, John Thomas Sladek getting bored of the situation, created the 13th sign (AD 1977).

And named the 13th sign “Ophiuchus” to make it sound charismatic. The most appealing part of the Ophiuchus was that its ecliptic feet which was touching the boat of the Sun. So in order to get it accepted by the anti-astrologers, he decorated, perfumed it and send it amongst humankind. Some of the homo sapiens who saw it fell in love. Painting were made in its name, discussions made, novels and poems were written.

And one day, it was revealed that Ophiuchus was not a sign, but a constellation. But some people who fell in love with it never accepted this fact. So, in time the discussions became heated and its lovers exaggerated so much in its defense, the gods of snappishness made them into foot fetishists. Since that time, these people talk of the “Ophiuchus’ Feet”, and in every 5 to 10 years they declare their love.

According to a prophecy, some day, the IQ God Aiquios will descend from the heavens and will rescue these lovers by ending this blind love continuing since 1977 AD.

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First published: 14 November 2014, Izmir

Translate from Turkish: Mehmet Günüşen 


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Devrim Dölen

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