
Astrologically Cosmic Monster Black Holes

There are cosmic objects in the universe from which matter, energy, and even light cannot escape. Black holes are the most famous cosmic objects in this regard. Black holes are formed when a cosmic body begins to collapse into itself due to gravity, becoming extremely dense and shrinking. It is an extremely curved space-time field. In a black hole, gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from it. Because even light cannot escape, it cannot be seen (except for black hole radiation, black hole jet), so these objects are called black holes.


Black holes’ falling on the scientific agenda dates back to 1783, an article published by John Michell (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London). Before physicist John Michell studied black holes, he was known in the scientific world for his logical predictions and explanations about earthquakes and earthquake occurrences.


Black holes: Aquarius/Scorpio Antiscia

Black holes always tell me the ancient antiscia teaching, but especially the Aquarius-Scorpio reflection. It’s been like this for years, every now and then, when I think of it. In 2016, I found some time for myself and finally had a chance to verify this on astrological charts.

Since Aquarius is under the rule of Saturn, it has symbolized the color black for thousands of years. At the same time, shrinking and condensation is also related to Saturn. Consider energy and light. The source of energy and light is of course the stars. It has been symbolized by the Sun and Leo since ancient times. Aquarius is opposite Leo. The antiscia of Aquarius is Scorpio: 4th house of Leo sign. That is the end of Leo.

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The sign of Aquarius is Sēth, sweeping the stars in Egyptian mythology. (Long later he became Typhon in Greek mythology. See Mythology). Looking at the chart of John Michell, who first suggested the idea of a black hole, we see Saturn in Aquarius, which is related to scientific discoveries and studies. The Sun, which expresses awareness, and Mercury, which expresses questioning, are also there. And all of them, of course, are reflected in the sign of Scorpio. It is quite remarkable that the Moon falling into the sign of Leo is right across the celestial bodies settled in Aquarius.

Black holes are mostly located at the center of galaxies. For this reason, as can be expected, there are quite a lot of black holes around us, whether at the center of a galaxy or not.



First Black Hole Discovered: Cygnus X-1

Cygnus X-1 , is the first black hole discovered, thought to have formed 6.1 million years ago, is 6,000 light-years from our planet and rotates 800 times per second. This structure, which we were aware of for the first time in 1964, was understood to be a black hole in 1972. Firsts are always the most important in astrology, of course.

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This black hole is at 13 degrees Aquarius in the tropical zodiac.

Interestingly, we see that Pierre-Simon Laplace’s Saturn in Scorpio is also antiscia to this point (9 degrees Aquarius). The peculiarity of Laplace was that he did the 2nd study of black holes in history.


PGC 043234

The first observed black hole attack came from the black hole in the center of the galaxy named PGC 043234. It slowly disintegrated a star with a mass several million times that of the Sun passing near it.

Attack of PGC 043234 detected in November 2014 (https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/12005) . There was a Scorpio stellium on this date, including Saturn. According to my calculations, this black hole is lovated at 4 degrees of Libra in the tropical zodiac. (antiscia: Pisces: Space) The world’s learning of this event (NASA publication) occurred with the conjunction of Venus and Mars at these degrees. (Venus-Mars conjunctions are also about destruction, if you remember from previous articles, since they are both planets of war).

The team led by astrophysicist Bülent Kızıltan from Harvard University in the USA detected a rare medium-sized black hole in a distant star cluster. The Sun was at 19 degrees Aquarius when the news was published (https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/news/2017-06). While converting the coordinates of this black hole discovered by Kızıltan and his team to the tropical zodiac – although in reality many places are full of black holes – I was expecting the black hole to be in Aquarius or Scorpio since it was the first time. It indeed appeared at 12 degrees Aquarius (Tucane 47 star cluster). Unfortunately, I do not have Kızıltan’s birth information.

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for more: Zodiac Astrology Magazine


Devrim Dölen

Zodiac Astrology Magazine, March 2018

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Devrim Dölen

3 Mart 1977 İstanbul doğumludur. Amerika’da ve Türkiye’de faliyet gösteren çeşitli astroloji ve istatistik gruplarıyla birlikte, profesyonelliğe adım atmadan 24 yılını astroloji araştırmalarına verdi. 1999 yılından itibaren bunların bazılarını hakemli dergilerde (Bilim Tarihi), bazılarını da internet aracılığıyla paylaştı.İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi bünyesinde Türkiye’de ilk defa YÖK onaylı astroloji eğitmenliği yapmıştır. 2001 yılında ücretsiz astroloji kursu veren Türkiye’deki ilk Türkçe topluluklardan Astroloji ve Astro-Gunluk gruplarının da moderatörlerindendi. 2011 yılında ise Zodyak Astroloji Yayınevini ve bugün bir çok astrolog yetiştirmiş olan Astroloji Akademisi’ni, 2015 yılında ise astrolojimarket.com sitesini kurmuştur ve aynı yıl Astroloji Derneği'nin kurulmasına öncülük etmiştir. 2016 yılında ise Zodyak Astroloji Dergisi'ni çıkartmaya başlamıştır. Integritas tekniğinin yaratıcısıdır.Karate'de siyah kemer sahibidir. Astrolojik tablolar, tasarımlar ve diorama yapmayı, doğayı, ekoköyleri, dalmayı, aramayı, yanılmayı ve tekrar aramayı yaşam tarzı haline getirmiştir…Şimdiye kadar çıkmış olan yayınları:Astroloji Eğitimi 2Astroloji Eğitimi 1Arap Noktaları & Astrolojide Gösterge Denklemleri2022 Gökyüzü Takvimi2021 Gökyüzü Takvimi2020 Gökyüzü Takvimi2019 Gökyüzü Takvimi2018 Gökyüzü TakvimiZodyak Astroloji DergisiUranian Astroloji & KozmobiyolojiAsteroid Sözlüğü (Program)Bitkiler: Astroloji & MitolojiTemel Seviye 1: Gezegenler & ElementlerTemel Seviye 2: BurçlarTemel Seviye 3: EvlerTemel Seviye 4: Açılar2015 Gökyüzü Takvimi

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